Hi there, I am Begum Vernon!

I am Front End Developer who likes to create beautiful and attractive websites in Orange, CA.


Guess The Word Project

Guess The Word

Players needs to enter one letter at a time to guess word before 8 letters. If they guesses the word they win the game otherwise it restarts with new word. Check it out and try yourself ! 😁

Skills: "CSS, HTML,Manipulate the DOM, Vanilla JavaScript"

Tools: 'VS Code, GitHub, Gitbash"

live page
Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes

Greenfield project created Sticky Notes App. I used JSX and CSS most for this project. You can track to-do items with this app. You can create as many as you want.

Skills: "ES6, JSX, Managing data flow, Manipulate the DOM"

Tools: "CodeSandbox, Props, State"

live page
Hotel Filters

Stateful Hotels

Making life easier with filters! The hotel search tool that allows you to filter the type of hotel you want to stay in. You can pick from the clickable filters to get right hotel for yourself.

Skills: "ES6, JSX, Managing data flow, Manipulate the DOM"

Tools: "CodeSandbox, Props, State"

live page
Unplugged Site


I coded this page as a responsive website by using Flexbox. It includes 3 pages with click option. I also used Adobe Software to edit photos. This page can be used for multiple fields.

Skills: "CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography"

Tools: "Chrome DevTools, GitHub Pages"

live page
Rogue Pickings Site

Rogue Pickings

Transform a site from static to responsive so it looks great at any device size. It is very useful for any type of business page.

Skills: "CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography"

Tools: "Chrome DevTools, GitHub Pages"

live page


Developer Skills




Responsive Web Development


Version Control


Media Queries

Responsive Typography


Manipulate the DOM


Managing Data Flow

Teck Stack

Chrome DevTools

GitHub Pages

Adobe Creative Suite

Hi there! I am Begum Vernon.

I am Front End Developer who likes to create beautiful and attractive websites in Orange, CA.

I am a retired professional basketball player and Physical Education Teacher. I played basketball in Turkey and pivoted to Physical Education.I love to create nice-looking and attractive websites. The act of building website gives me so much joy that I am enjoying the process while I am coding. Can't wait to work with you! Let's code together!